How To Use Raw Kratom Leaf?

How To Use Raw Kratom Leaf?
Kratom is an evergreen tree indigenous to Southeast Asia. It is a strong tall tree that can grow over 100ft tall. There are many ways to consume it from grinding the whole plant into fine powder to just using the leaves. The most traditional way of consumption include chewing the leaves or brewing them into tea. Old farmers used to chew freshly taken off leaves of the plants to increase their productivity and take a dose of energy to get going throughout the day. The tea was prepared to get relaxing effects, get a good night’s sleep and relieve fatigue.
The most lovable aspect of consuming Kratom is that it offers you a lot of variety in its ways of consumption. The post discusses how you can take kratom leaves in innovatively different forms.
Chewing The Leaves
The simplest and easiest method of consuming kratom leaves is still chewing them. According to experienced consumers, it is one of the most effective ways of taking your dosage. However, a large part of the kratom community does not adopt this way because of the raw and bitter taste of the herb. When you chew the leaves, there is no way to avoid the taste. This method is also not recommended for beginners for the same reason. Due to this downside, this technique is largely reserved for experienced consumers who always like to go old-school and have no problem with the taste.
Grinding Your Leaves Into Coarse Powder To Take It With Water
You found kratom leaves at home, and you want to give it a try. What is the best method? Fortunately, if you are a new consumer with dried leaves, you can coarsely crush those leaves at home and take them by toss and wash method. In this way, you experience the taste much less than chewing. Take a small amount of crushed leaves (less than 4 grams for beginners), toss it over your tongue, and gulp a big sip of water or any fruit juice. In this way, the leaves will be washed off your tongue in no time, causing you to feel less taste.
Brew The Crushed Leaves Into Kratom Tea
One of the best ways to take powder or leaf Kratom is by making tea! You can simply turn kratom leaves into powder by putting them on your hand, placing a paper underneath, and crushing them, making sure the paper can collect the dust. Alternatively, you can use a pepper mill too. If you don’t want to get into crushing, you can directly prepare tea with leaves.
With the crushed leaves, simply take 1 teaspoon for 2-4 cups of tea. Add this amount to a container such as a kettle and add warm water over it. Make sure not to pour boiling water or let the water cool for 30 seconds if boiled before pouring.
Too hot water will ultimately destroy the alkaloids, killing off any goodness that you get with the tea. After adding the water, allow it to steep for at least 5 to 10 minutes and strain before drinking. You can also add honey, sugar, cinnamon, stevia, or lemon for better flavor. After you are done adding your favorite ingredients, the tea is ready to serve!
• ½ Lemon, peeled
• 2 Green Apples, cut in half
• 3 Stalks Celery, no leaves
• A handful of Spinach or Kale
• 5g to 7g Kratom Powder
• 1 slice Fresh Ginger
Rinse all the ingredients well and pat dry.
Remove any peels and cut the fruit and vegetables into 1–2-inch chunks.
Place all the ingredients into an electric juicer, process, and discard the pulp.
Stir in your desired dose of kratom powder.
Pour the juice mixture in a tall glass and start sipping away to give your body the ultimate kratom-infused detox.
I hope everyone can try fresh leaf! It’s wild. I have a pretty high tolerance too. I was shocked

Raw Kratom Leaf with Raw Honey Review
Raw Kratom Leaf with Raw Honey Review – I had 1 with honey. Chewed up…… definitely never chewing more than 1 at a time Immediately felt it. I’m still feeling it! It’s been over 3 hrs. I hope everyone can try fresh leaf! It’s wild. I have a pretty high tolerance too. I was shocked
Ive ordered more organic honey from Amazon to keep all these leaves. Didn’t really think that through ordering 30 tea leaves
Crystal Rodgers
Kratom Candle – How to make a kratom candle
Kratom Candle – How to make a kratom candle
Kratom Candle – How to make a kratom candle – There are many benefits you could get from simply lighting an aromatherapy candle. Taking things to the next level, you can try to make Kratom aromatherapy candle to get the benefits of both properties.
Generally, aromatherapy candles can help you relax, feel calm, energized and help your brain get into a more productive mindset.
What’s more, Kratom is known for its main benefits of pain relief, help with sleep disorders, mood and energy boost.
With all of those properties, Kratom aromatherapy candles can be one of the essential parts of your overall well-being.
Therefore, knowing how to make one of these candles will come in handy for you too.
Carry on to find out!
WHAT YOU NEED – Kratom Candles
Before telling you how to make it, here is a list of things you will need to make Kratom aromatherapy candle:
- 2 tablespoons of Fresh kratom leaf / Crushed Kratom Leaf / Kratom Powder.
- 6 cups of pure soy wax flakes
- 3 natural wicks (hemp, cotton, or wood)
- 6 teaspoons of essential oil
- 3 4-ounce glass or metal container
- Saucepan
- Old aluminum can for melting wax
- Kitchen thermometer
- 3 pair of chopsticks or clothespin to hold the wicks
(These ingredient will yield 3, 4-ounce Kratom candle for Aromatheropy)
WHAT TO DO – Kratom Candle
Time needed: 3 hours and 15 minutes.
Here are the 5 steps to make Kratom aromatherapy candle:
- Melt The Wax
Place your soy flakes in the old aluminum can. Fill the saucepan halfway with water and place the can of soy wax in the center.
Allow the water to simmer until the wax melts completely. - Add Kratom Powder & Essential Oil
Remove the can and place your kitchen thermometer in the hot wax. Check the temperature every few minutes until the wax cools to 185 degrees or a bit lower.
Add your Kratom powder and essential oil. Stir to combine. - Anchor The Wick
Anchor the wick to the bottom of the container using a bit of wax. Make sure you place the wick in the center of the container. Use a clothespin or chopsticks to keep it upright.
- Pour The Wax
Pour the wax into the container and allow it to cool for several hours, or overnight.
- Cut The Wick.
Cut the wick to about 1/8 inch above the wax to reduce soot and your candle is done!
- If you are not sure how much wax you need, you can fill your container with the wax flakes first. Then, double it up. That’s how much wax you will need to melt to fill the container.
- To keep the scent from fading over time, always keep your candle covered when not in use.
- Use soy wax so your candle could burn longer and cleaner, resulting in less soot and smoke in the air, while elongating the natural scents.
- Use natural waxes to avoid toxic substances that crank out when you lit your candle
After following through the steps, you will get your aromatherapy candle.
However, if by chance you are not sure which Kratom powder to use, here are some of our recommendations!
The kratom leaf is responsible for a variety of products you know and love, including Kratom Spot’s hand-selected line of powerful kratom powders. Family farmers pluck these leaves directly from Mitragyna speciosa trees, native to Southeast Asia. Kratom users experience wide-ranging benefits from this ethnobotanical. However, they might also experience something else: a not-so-savory aftertaste.
Kratom powder is naturally bitter. Because of this, it can be difficult to pair your kratom dose with the perfect mixer. According to Le Cordon Bleu, an elite culinary institution, bitterness is not generally considered a popular flavor. But with that said, “Bitterness is critical to balance” in the culinary world. According to Cordon Bleu, you can easily cut harsh bitterness with a bit of citrus, some dark greens, or even beer.
But this is kratom, not cooking.
If you didn’t already know, we’ve covered all the best kratom drink combinations, including orange juice and near-boiling water green tea, in the past (which we’ll recap down below, of course). Instead, we have a different message today. Ignore a to-do list for mixing kratom; we have a NOT-to-do list for you:
- Don’t mix kratom and carbonated drinks.
Why Shouldn’t You Mix Kratom & Carbonated Drinks?
Kratom powder consists of finely-ground plant material that is waxy, fatty, and generally difficult to dissolve in water. Furthermore, when mixing kratom with beverages like orange juice, the water molecules in those beverages adhere to the kratom plant material, forming clumps if you’re not careful. Now imagine mixing kratom with carbonated water instead of still water. The water molecules will adhere to the kratom powder’s waxy, fatty surface, but the carbon dioxide (CO2)—the ingredient responsible for making carbonated water carbonated—will TURN INTO FOAM.
When you drink carbonated beverages, CO2 is often released in the form of bubbles and, consequently, foam. However, when combining carbonated drinks and your daily kratom dose, the rate of CO2 carbonation (bubbliness) increases dramatically.
What Do Kratom Users Say About Mixing Kratom & Carbonated Drinks?
Oh, a few extra bubbles don’t sound that bad? Let’s hear what other kratom users on the Reddit had to say about their experience mixing carbonated drinks and kratom:
“I tried to toss and wash with a soda once, and it just foamed up and was hard to consume. I now wait at least an hour after dosing to drink anything carbonated to avoid bloating” – cheetobandito-
Kratom Spot Pro Tip: “Toss and wash”, or T&W for short, is one of the most popular methods of ingesting kratom in the Western world. It involves tossing a mouthful of kratom powder into your mouth, then washing it down with liquid, generally water or orange juice. Despite the name, we highly recommend you put liquid in your mouth BEFORE kratom powder, as kratom powder is dry and bitter on its own.
“On a road trip recently I poured dry powder in my mouth and chased it with bubbly water. I felt like a seagull on an elementary school campus” – jmeecakes
“Was interesting blowing kratom out of my nose for a day or 2” – scrappy6262
“NO!! Just no. I’ve seen people say they do [mix carbonated drinks and kratom]. But I’ve been in a pinch and was like eh this soda should work. Nope. Never again” – SKallday
Non-Carbonated Alternatives for Mixing Kratom
Now that we know NOT to mix carbonated beverages and kratom, let’s recap some of our favorite kratom drink recipes! Orange juice is an obvious standout, as the citrus yet sweet flavor perfectly balances the natural bitterness of kratom. However, if you want to step your kratom dose up a notch, try some of these other delicious infusions!
Kratom & Grapefruit Juice
Grapefruit juice provides a more powerful citrus concoction than orange juice, allowing kratom users to completely overshadow the bitterness of kratom powder with one fell swoop! Furthermore, grapefruit juice is chock full of vitamins and minerals, including:
- Complex carbs
- Fiber
- Protein
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin C
- Potassium
- Thiamine
- Folate
- Magnesium
Grapefruit juice is also known to improve immune system functionality, aid weight loss, boost heart health, and provide a ton of beneficial antioxidants. Now paint kratom into the picture, and you’ve got yourself a citrus-punching kratom cocktail to write home about!
Kratom Lemonade
Crisp, classic, and refreshing—kratom lemonade combines high-quality kratom powder with delicious lemonade. Like grapefruit and orange juice, the flavor of natural lemons provides a citrus burst that pairs with the earthy flavor of kratom. If you want a perfect homemade kratom lemonade, follow these easy steps:
- Add 1 cup fresh-squeezed lemon juice (about 10 lemons) to a medium bowl.
- Whisk in 1 cup sugar until completely dissolved.
- Add about 5 cups of filtered water.
- Stir.
- Add desired kratom dose, stirring until completely dissolved.
- Enjoy!
Easy as that! And as you may have guessed, fresh-squeezed lemons offer additional benefits to kratom users as well. In fact, fresh lemon juice is known to offer a great source of Vitamin C, improve the overall quality of your skin, aid digestion, and more.
Other Great Kratom Drink Combos!
While we can’t recap ALL of our favorite recipes, we’re sure that there’s a kratom drink combination for everyone. If you’re not satisfied with the drinks already listed, try mixing kratom with any of the following Kratom Spot-approved drinks:
- Green tea with honey
- Mint tea
- Chamomile tea
- Coffee
- Mocha
- Mango juice
Another User Submission on How they make kratom tea

Another User Submission on How they make kratom tea
Another User Submission on How they make kratom tea- Leaf is beautiful I like brewing it a few times and add the cayenne pepper and black pepper fresh lemon of course. 35-50 minutes on simmer barely boiling got like a golden color Chewing the leaf required about 2 X more leaf than brewing the cough relieving properties of cane sugar with kratom is interesting. A user submission by Alexander Galaska
How to store Fresh Kratom Leaf in Honey

How to store Fresh Kratom Leaf in Honey
Couple of days later
Shipping Kratom leaf in the mail! 150 fresh USA Grown

Shipping Kratom leaf in the mail! 150 fresh USA Grown
Shipping Kratom leaf in the mail! 150 fresh USA Grown – This video has been a process in the making. We are a nursery based in the
United States. I get asked quite frequently if kratom leaf is safe and possible to ship via the mail. A part 2 is currently in the works and should be out in the next couple of weeks so keep a eye on our channel for the conclusion. In the mean time, make sure to ask good questions and link your friends.
What do you think will end up being the best way to ship fresh kratom leaf in the mail?
1. Each leaf has a individual paper towel in between each leaf.
2. A bundle of fresh leaves but wrapped in paper towels
3. A bundle of fresh leaves with a silica packet
4. Fresh Leaf with no paper towel with a silica packet
5. Fresh leaf by itself with no paper towels or silica packets.
Cross Post
Kratom Watchdog Android & IOS

Kratom Watchdog Android & IOS
Have you heard of the Kratom Watchdog app? Kratom Watchdog is a kratom social network built from the ground up by one of the founding member of the non-profit American Kratom Association (AKA). A booming social community with a focus on kratom advocacy. Kratom Watchdog is the oldest kratom social media platform online. With over 400 videos and over 200,000 photo’s from our own kratom Nursery. And 7,000 members we have a very strong growers community that are always willing to help. Kratom Watchdog is available on Android, IOS, and at We are a small self funded development studio. If you would like to donate to the development of the platform we would appreciate it. Thank you for your continued support.
Where does the money from your order go to?
We are a small self funded American Kratom nursery. Our team does not take payment for our work. Everything we make goes back into the nursery, Documenting kratom, Our kratom social media platform Kratom Watchdog, Our kratom avatar chat Kynto, and our other kratom advocacy projects.’
Customer Fresh American Kratom Review
Customer Fresh American Kratom Review
Customer Fresh American Kratom Review – Jcole20: User Thank you. I ordered 30 fresh leaves and am very happy with what came in the mail. A few extra were thrown in either accidentally or to make up for some smaller ones in the batch but regardless more than happy. As someone who eats / makes tea with approximately 5-10g per dose approximately 4-5 leaves chewed the traditional way (vein removed and tucked in cheek) has been enough to equal this. Taste is a lot better fresh too. This is what to expect as far as size.
Try Organic American Kratom Leaf! Click HERE!
I will give it a shot in the am. I’m well aware of the science behind it and the inhibition of the enzyme (cyp2d6) that breaks mytrag down, that same enzyme is used to break down a lot of different medications and it’s why so many different medicines warn against drinking gpfj prior to taking but I’ve never done it because I used to doubt it’s efficacy and gpfj isn’t the greatest thing (taste Wise) to me but I’ll definitely try it soon.
How much gpfj do you recommend? Honestly I’m not a fan of gpfj but I’ll try it and let you know. I do think I tried it once years back but didn’t put enough time between the medication and the gpfj. Regardless I’ll try it in the morning prior to my morning routine. Btw I’d guess my dose of leaves on average day will be approximately 10-15 leaves.
This is just a guess because today was not very average given I’m conserving because it got here so late. 2 definitely stops withdrawals which says a lot to me and 4 seems to be a decent dose for me as I’ve eaten 7 and don’t feel any different than I did with 4.
Customer Fresh American Kratom Review
I really feel like I hit a ceiling with kratom where more is not helping. I’ll definitely let you know about the gpfj. Idk if that is just me or if it’s because of my tolerance to opioids but regardless I wish someone had told me about that wall earlier because it’s generally atypical with opioids. For me it’s a good thing because in my head it seems so much simpler to taper from 4 leaves 3x daily than 10 capsules-12 capsules 3x daily. Maybe that’s just me but all around I much prefer the fresh kratom to dried.
Try Organic American Kratom Leaf! Click HERE!
I think potency is close but drinking that much powdered kratom gets old and constantly doing the teas do too for me. I find it odd the little caveats with kratom where switching strain for some reduces tolerance. This is something I noticed myself accidentally. Didn’t consider it I just went for what had the highest 7-hm in lab tests not even considering other non isolated alkaloids. I really don’t know as much science behind kratom as I normally would with something like this because I know there’s more to it than just the known alkaloids.
Either by way of how they act or another non isolated alkaloid because kratom stops withdrawals where other stronger opioids do not. So for me I know something else is at play either due to a lack of understanding or other non isolated or not as well talked about alkaloids. I could be wrong and imagined all of it but I really don’t think so. I know myself well and when I took kratom I really didn’t have any faith in it working. It showed me.
At the end of the day kratom does what I want it to and it’s been nothing but beneficial for me. Outside of the fact I don’t have a tree in my backyard I think it’s a wonderful plant and you all are doing an awesome job providing fresh kratom in the us market. I’ll message you and do the review I’ve been jumping between texts and this app.
Trying Grape Fruit Juice
so I tried the gpfj and didn’t notice much of a difference tbh. I drank maybe 24oz an hour before taking 4 leaves then 3 more 45 minutes later. I’ve been reading about it and coincidentally kratom alone inhibits many of the enzymes that break mytrag and the other alkaloids down. Meaning kratom potentiates itself. In theory redosing say 2g every hour should be stronger than taking approx 18.5g at once over a 12hr period. This is taking into account the half life of kratoms alkaloids.
I’m also reading where people say the active alkaloids aren’t water soluble they’re fat soluble so (a big misconception is that insoluble means that it is totally insoluble and none is absorbed which is not true. Insoluble really means it is poorly soluble usually requiring more time and water+heat or/and an acid to bring it out) in theory adding butter (I know how that sounds) or anything high in fat should greatly increase the absorption.
I think adding an acid and melted butter prior to making tea (let it sit for 30 minutes) and then making tea normally should help to bring the alkaloids out. More is better here with the fat but drinking butter tea doesn’t sound good. I don’t think gpfj is useless but unlike with most opioids the effects will not be as pronounced in theory. It may increase duration sightly but I don’t think it will greatly impact effects overall. I also think making tea with a material as fine as possible is best as that allows more surface area to be impacted.
Customer Fresh American Kratom Review.
Try Organic American Kratom Leaf! Click HERE!
I’m going to give the above a shot and I’ll let you know. I tried a tea with whole leaves and was shocked at how light the color was. Totally different than shredded material. Definitely grind your leaves finely for the most material to be absorbed. Also given the poor water solubility of the alkaloids more water is better and in theory the longer the better as long as you can control heat. I’ve tried looking for people who take leaves and soak them for a day vs the 20-30 min tea times. I’d imagine with agitation the soak would pull more alkaloids out.
But that’s all just guessing. This whole post is really just theory but it’s sound theory if anyone has experience with any of the above please let me know. Good luck and hopefully kratom brownies don’t become a thing. I really don’t think those would be pleasant. Customer Fresh American Kratom Review
Approximately 5g equivalent dried kratom and gpfj @1225 added butter at 1230 1tbsp real butter
Looks horrible not gonna lie.
Added 1 3/4 cups of water at 1240 and placed on low heat
just pulled it off I let it simmer lightly for the full 20 minutes and it’s cooling now. Only difference in prep is that it’s harder to cool with the butter. I don’t really know how much a full boil effects it so I’m doing my best to keep it at a simmer. It’ll be another 30 minutes before I try it I’m thinking. Will post more pics here shortly.
After simmer removed at 1310 (30 min – 20 min simmer)
Try Organic American Kratom Leaf! Click HERE!
Customer Fresh American Kratom Review Customer Fresh American Kratom Review Customer Fresh American Kratom Review
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